Arts Express

The Arts Express Program was established specifically for youth in the schools and community feeding into J.L.Ilsley High School in Spryfield order to allow for a stronger arts support within this unique family of schools. The program has been strongly supported by HRM, HRSB, the DOE and local councilors and MLAs over the past 5 years and has the following mandate:

  • Direct support for existing arts programs and development of new arts initiatives.
  • Coordination of arts partnerships between schools and community.
  • Access on external sources of funding through available arts grants to enrich school and classrooms programs, as well as arts scholarships for disadvantaged kids as well as gifted students.
  • Emphasis on ‘prevention and intervention’ by creating intensive arts initiatives for students with diverse learning styles and those who are otherwise disengaged from our public schools.

The full time position of Arts Express Coordinator is being funded through supplementary and discretionary moneys by HRSB  and centers around developing a network of connections among schools, community arts organizations, universities, local artists, social agencies, HRM and corporate giving programs, classroom teachers, visual arts teachers and the provincial Department of Education.  Arts Express is collaborative by nature.

~ by Arts Express on February 2, 2010.

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